
Destroy dictatorships.for love and peace💚 ̖́-

Now, I will explain the existence of an evil organization that aims to destroy humans by brainwashing and restraining them.🤙

I would like to talk about personal surveillance using multi-person stalking, intimidation, technological criminal acts such as thought eavesdropping and voice transmission, and mind control using fake news, all of which are referred to as gang stalking.

Malicious crimes such as gang stalking, voice transmission that uses radio waves to transmit sounds directly to the brain, and thought eavesdropping are carried out all over the world, and there are many victims in each country

First, let's talk about methods for eavesdropping on thoughts and transmitting audio to the brain.

Simply put, thought eavesdropping is a technology that exploits the radio waves used by smartphones and other devices to read and analyze the radio waves emitted by the brain to read people's thoughts.

On the other hand, audio transmission to the brain is a technology that uses the radio waves mentioned earlier to send sounds created using digital equipment to the target's brain.

Voice transmission is currently referred to as Voice Of Skull.

In the several years since I became a victim, I have examined the reality of gang stalking and VoiceOfSkull through various attempts using myself as a test subject.  

As a result, it seems very likely that the crime was committed by exploiting the existence of supercomputers that manage data in the brains of vast numbers of people and the communication environment such as 5G used when using smartphones.


【It's Me😎】

Mainly, Voice Of Skull is performed 24 hours a day by AI because it requires labor.

To carry out gang stalking and VoiceOfSkull, stalking with the cooperation of a large number of people is essential.  Therefore, large amounts of funds are required to manipulate the people.

It is highly likely that the funds are political slush funds and donations from cult religious groups.

The psychology that can be gleaned from this is the leadership of the people.  Leadership through intimidation is dictatorship.

In carrying out this dictatorship, there is a forced connection between the government, bureaucracy, administration, mental hospitals, etc., and there is a long-standing system of dictatorship based on this.

This includes forced hospitalizations based on addiction or paranoia, and arrests where individuals are intentionally induced to commit minor misdeeds.

As long as this national system exists, our people will not be able to win in court, and the number of villains who live off fraud and unfair profits will only increase.  

Fraudsters and criminals also disguise themselves as good citizens and hide their identity.

Therefore, we, good people with a true sense of justice, must cooperate across the globe, help each other, and overwhelm the dictatorial regime through the power of numbers.

In order to realize 

''One Love, One Unity,''

we are currently aiming to use the power of music to create connections that transcend borders of nationality, race, language, and gender.

It is the beginning of a world of love and peace.💚 ̖́-

The power of science developed through capitalism has brought poison to us earthlings.

To improve this, we need to reduce the value of money and increase the value of love, which is a spiritual force of nature and loves the entire planet.

Money, love, and time should all be equal, and so should race and gender.  We must become One Love, One Unity, win the lawsuit, and implement fundamental reforms to capitalism.

To that end, here's what you should do now.

now, musicians and artists from all over the world travel around the world to send messages to the entire planet.

Everyone else has to support it.

Purchase merchandise and tickets for artists who tour the world.

We also need to provide funds for activities such as music media.

You also need to spread the word about this fact to those around you.

In today's world, there is a lot of false information flowing, so we need to take action to avoid being misled by it.🙏

Now, let's each do our best to do what we can.🫰


and Thank You.😄

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Gang stalking. Reality. Possibility.🙄

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