
Toward eradicating technology crime🫰


I am ★wAppA★

This time, it's a serious story.

I would like to dig a little deeper into gang stalking, which I talked about the other day.

Simply put, gangstalking involves the surveillance, tracking, and harassment of individuals by large groups using a variety of methods.

Among these methods, there is something called thought eavesdropping, which (in my case) probably means converting thoughts from the frontal lobe, a part of the brain, into data and managing it on a supercomputer.

The personal thinking data obtained in this way is shared with an unspecified number of people and the target is monitored.

There is also a technology called voice transmission that does the opposite.

This involves forcibly sending audio data to the target's brain, and although it seems possible to send audio in real time, most of the responses (chat) are based on fixed phrases prepared in advance by AI. It seems so (just in my case).

Other victims have reported that this technological crime (eavesdropping on thoughts, voice transmission) can also cause trauma to the brain and a brain tumor, brain atrophy.

I haven't experienced it yet.

There is also an explanation of thought eavesdropping and voice transmission in the link below.


Materials are also posted in the back issues of my blog, so please refer to them as well.

It is said that there are more than 3,000 confirmed victims of gang stalking and technology crimes in Japan.

Why is such a despicable crime left unchecked in Japan?

It is known that government cooperation due to pressure on the state is behind this.

In addition to government agencies such as the police, prosecutors, prefectural governors, and public health centers, there also appears to be cooperation from private medical institutions such as psychiatrists.

More than 10 years have passed since the damage caused by gang stalking began to spread.

At first, there was no way to fight back, and the victims were forced to cry and sleep.

However, as of 2023.

It seems that some countries in Europe are already subject to severe punishments, and in the United States, the situation has changed completely, with President Biden paying large amounts of compensation to victims, and even in Japan, many of the people have been affected by technology crimes. Now that we know about it, there are some laws that could be used as cards to combat it.

Personally, I believe that if we consider both criminal and civil litigation and make good use of the law, we can overcome this great evil.

Here are some laws that can be used as cards in court.

offense of contempt

defamation crime

crime of damage to trust

Crime of obstruction of business by fraudulent means

crime of extortion

Subversive Activities Prevention Act

Act on Prevention of Unfair Solicitation of Donations

National compensation law

And so on.

If it is possible to make full use of these laws and create a content of the trial that can be understood by third parties, it is possible to obtain compensation from the state, as in the United States, or even from a certain religious organization. I think it's possible.

Now that times are rapidly changing and awareness of the damage caused by technological crimes and gang stalking is increasing, I have taken this as an opportunity and have already begun to take action.

Currently, we are proceeding with procedures from various angles (although I will not reveal the details), and we are working to create a grid like a chess game to prevent any escape routes.

However, no matter how strong your cards are, you still need a lawyer in court.

There are also lawyers who are in the hands of gang stalking organizations, and identifying them is a difficult task.

There is a need to proceed with caution and caution, but so far we are seeing a positive response.

It will still take time, but I want to keep fighting and believe in victory.

And if I could give any advice to those who are currently suffering and are in trouble, it would be to be mentally strong.

The other party mainly uses threats and guidance.  It's unlikely they'll actually get involved.

Don't be confused by what others say, don't bend yourself, and move forward with a strong will.

Let's work together to criticize the injustice that is rampant in the world.

Well then, thank you for reading this far!


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Gang stalking. Reality. Possibility.🙄

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