
☠☠The devil surrounds me☠☠ I have a request..✮

Hello everyone 🤘

I'm wAppA! 😎

I'd like to say that thanks to you all, things are slowly changing, but my fame has only increased worldwide, and there hasn't been any noticeable change in my surroundings in Japan


What has changed is that Voice Of Skull has spread to those around me, and many people have become aware of this crime.

What this means is that, simply put, my thoughts are transmitted directly to the people around me.

Like telepathy, I can send messages from my brain to the people around me. This can be confirmed by the reaction of the other person.

This has dramatically increased the results of the awareness campaign for this crime. 

Due to financial reasons, my range of movement is limited, so I cannot get detailed information about the situation outside of social media, but at least in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, where I live, there should be no one who doesn't know about this crime.


And, this is just my well-founded speculation, but in Japan today, major instructions are being issued from the state to the people regarding this technology crime.

This is evident from the perspective of the reactions of others, which range from the aforementioned telepathic reactions to the scale of gaslighting. However, it seems to be top secret to me, the victim, and only other citizens know about this top secret information.

Even my roommate is hiding the information from me.


Meanwhile, the actual damage to me is getting worse and worse. Because I am well-known, at first glance it may seem like I have a lot of fans and a cooperative system in place, but in reality they are not. In other words, there is no clear cooperation with me

I think the government has banned me from personal contact, probably to use economic pressure to attack me. Politicians have also said that Japan holds classified information.

I live with a roommate, so rent and living expenses eat up my salary. It took me more than six months to find a low-paying job.

90% of the accounts that follow me on social media are fraudulent.


There are other traps everywhere, such as honey traps, and if I let my guard down even a little, I will be on the road to ruin in no time.

Fortunately, I have a keen sense, so I have never fallen for a scam, but even so, in the face of this economic pressure, it is impossible for me to leave my roommate and go to another country, even if I want to work to eradicate technology crimes.

If you look at the information from other countries on social media, it is clear that this technology crime is now spreading worldwide.

That is why I feel a sense of mission to fly out into the world.

Of course, it is also to find my own happiness.

I have been deceived and betrayed so many times that my senses have become numb, and I no longer feel fear or sadness. That may be why I enjoy my days.

But if the fundamental problem is solved, I think I can regain true joy.

In order to eradicate this technology crime, it is absolutely necessary to review the laws of each country.

With my fame, it should be possible.


So, I have a request for everyone, even though I am ashamed.

This time, I would like to start my last resort, crowdfunding.

It is an activity to raise funds on the Internet.

I really did not want to do such a dirty method as raising funds by using my sudden fame. But I can no longer choose my means.

In order to escape from the evil hands of the nation and fight back.

It takes time to raise a large amount of money, and the risk is also higher.

That's why I'm going to set the minimum amount of crowdfunding that will allow me to start a business.

A reasonable amount that can be reached even with a donation of 1 dollar per person.

With that amount, I can do music and start to Boxing and start an apparel business.


Self-employment is the best way to avoid economic pressure.

If I'm successful, I want to give everyone the clothes and accessories I design.

We can all wear them, hold shows and festivals, and have fun while changing the world little by little.

Sounds interesting, right?

I'll let you know the details of crowdfunding again when this blog spreads.

If there are even a few people on my side in the world, it will save my heart. Please, please support me.


I hate people who are always trying to please everyone and are bureaucratic. 

That's why I will continue to be choosy about my words and be honest with everyone.

I hope you understand. 

Thank you for reading this far 🙏

See you next time!


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